


Chiropractors are primary health care providers who diagnose and treat disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. Treatments include a variety of therapies that are tailored to the needs of each patient. At The Coach House Therapeutic Centre, our chiropractor uses a combination of spinal adjustments, myofascial release techniques, medical acupuncture, and rehabilitative exercise prescription when providing patient care.

If you have questions about Chiropractic please contact Dr. Mark Bird

For more information visit Dr. Marks website


Spinal Adjustments and Joint Mobilizations

A spinal adjustment is a method of restoring proper motion to the joints of the spine. It is often referred to as a high velocity low amplitude thrust along the plane of the joint being targeted.

​Joint mobilizations are another technique used by chiropractors to help improve joint range of motion. Like an adjustment, mobilization of a joint is along the plane of the articular surfaces of a joint. Mobilizations are by nature slow repetitive movements within some part of the the joints range of motion.

If you have questions about Spinal Adjustments and Joint Mobilizations please contact Dr. Mark Bird


Functional Range and Myofascial Release Technique

Functional range release and myofascial release technique are soft tissue management systems that are used to treat injuries to connective tissue (muscle, ligament, tendon, joint capsule). The goal of these techniques is to help guide tissue regeneration in a direction that leads to improved tissue movement and strength. Typically, these methods of muscle tension release begin with passive movements guided by the chiropractor followed by active movements controlled by the client themselves.

If you have questions about Functional Range Release/Myofascial Release Technique please contact Dr. Mark Bird


Athletic Movement Assessment

Whether you are an athlete or just someone who wants to move more efficiently, this type is assessment is what you have been looking for. Athletic Movement Assessment is an integrated analysis of essential prerequisite movement patterns that help facilitate; coordinated, smooth, and pain free movement coupling from one part of the body to the next.

If you have questions about Athletic Movement Assessment please contact Dr. Mark Bird


Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping can be incorporated into any stage of your treatment, from acute to chronic and anything in between. The taping can remain on the skin for 3 to 5 days to provide the desired effect. The tape works by microscopically lifting the skin and fascia to increase the lymphatic flow, blood flow and stimulates the nervous system to the desired effect. The more tension the therapist applies to the tape the more simulation the muscles receive from the nervous system.

If you have questions about Kinesio Taping please contact Dr. Mark Bird or Heidi Crozier


Osteopathic Manual Therapy

Osteopathy is a form of drug-free non-invasive manual medicine that focuses on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. The therapy is a unique holistic (whole body) approach to health care. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance all the systems of the body, and provide overall good health and wellbeing.

If you have questions about Osteopathy please contact John Berge


Acupuncture & TCM

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.

Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.

Traditional Chinese Medicine was originated in ancient China and has a history of over two thousand years. Influenced by ancient Chinese philosophy, culture, and science and technology, Chinese medicine uses the theory of Yin and Yang and the theory of Wu Xing to explain the mechanism of balancing the function of the body.

If you have any questions about Acupuncture & TCM please contact Jian Chen

For more information, visit Jian’s website


Women’s Health Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been used to treat women’s health for many centuries. Gynecology specialties focus particularly on reproductive issues including; fertility, menopause, PMS, menstrual health, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids and women’s mental health.

If you have any questions about Acupuncture & TCM please contact Jian Chen

For more information, visit Jian’s website


Registered Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is one of the oldest methods of healing. The purpose of massage therapy is to prevent, maintain, or rehabilitate physical function or relieve pain. Massage uses a variety of techniques to improve the health and condition of muscles, joints, and connective tissue. Massage therapy is widely accepted as a natural therapy to achieve and maintain wellness.

We cater the treatment depending on what you need at any given period in your wellness journey. In summary we can offer massage treatments from deep tissue, relaxation, prenatal/postnatal, injury/surgery rehabilitation, and general maintenance.

If you have questions about Registered Massage Therapy please contact Kimberley Ward-Campbell , Azita Asadian, Heidi Crozier, Mary Boersma, or Nicole McMurray


Cupping Therapy

Cupping brings the ancient art of cupping to the modern-day massage therapy practice. This modality allows a unique approach to the fascia layer and body fluids. Cupping has an ability to affect deeper tissue, remove fascial restrictions and increase range of motion. This technique is used during a massage therapy treatment or a naturopathic appointment.

If you have question about Cupping Therapy please contact our Registered Massage Therapists Azita Asadian


Facial Massage

Using small silicon facial cups and gua sha tools to help remove fascial restrictions and increase circulation in the face, jaw and neck. Some of the benefits of facial massage include; decreased tension headache symptoms, decreased jaw tension, increased lymphatic drainage and increased blood flow. 

If you have question about Facial Massage please contact Azita Asadian


MPS Therapy

Microcurrent Point Stimulation Therapy offers the benefits of Acupuncture but does not use needles. It is based out of Traditional Chinese Medicine and uses intuitive hand-held microcurrent units (Dolphin Neurostim) to communicate with the body through acupuncture points and protocols, addressing a wide variety of conditions. Scar Release techniques are also part of MPS Therapy and help to rebalance the electrical state of the fascia, muscles and nervous system back to their natural state. MPS Therapy will always have a positive impact on your Heart Rate Variability, which is one of the best ways to measure your overall health and well being. For more on the research of this modality please and click on "Research" at the bottom of the page.

If you have questions about MPS Therapy please contact Heidi Crozier.


Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation treats specific organs such as the stomach, liver, gallbladder, lungs and digestive tract. Sometimes adhesions between the organs impact the functioning of the organs and the nervous system. This modality addresses both the organs’ specific function as well as how they interact with neighboring organs, muscles and connective tissues.

* As a stand alone service, this session is not covered by insurance under Massage Therapy.

* For people who have previously seen Heidi Gottwald Crozier

If you have questions about Visceral Manipulation please contact Heidi Crozier.



CranioSacral Therapy aligns the body from the inside out (as opposed to most Massage which is from the outside inwards). It aligns the connective tissues of and around the spinal cord, vertebrae, muscles and organs, encouraging the body to heal itself. It is a gentle hands on technique where the client is most often fully clothed and it has a very relaxing effect. In contrast to massage, which focuses on your consciously controlled skeletal muscles and peripheral nervous system, CranioSacral Therapy addresses your subconsciously controlled central and autonomic nervous system like your organ functions.

* As a stand alone service, this session is not covered by insurance under Massage Therapy.

* For people who have previously seen Heidi Gottwald Crozier

If you have questions about CranioSacral Therapy please contact Heidi Crozier.


Concussion Protocol + Whiplash

A Concussion Protocol and Whiplash session treats the cranial sutures of the skull, combined with complimentary acupuncture points using the Dolphin Neurostim units of Microcurrent Point Stimulation Therapy. This treatment has outstanding outcomes in improving symptoms resulting from head trauma. Please provide a doctor’s note with clearance to proceed with treatment. It is most beneficial to address symptoms closest to the time of injury, provided it is safe to do so.

* As a stand alone service, this session is not covered by insurance under Massage Therapy.

* For people who have previously seen Heidi Gottwald Crozier

If you have questions about Concussion Protocol + Whiplash please contact Heidi Crozier.


Access Bars

Relaxing hands-on session using 32 points on the head. Access Bars is used to help clear obstacles mentally, emotionally and physically. Access Bars is very helpful to manage stress, feelings of frustration, anger and life challenges. This modality can decrease pain and tension in the body. After this session clients often say they feel euphoric and that they have more ease and a sense of calm in their daily tasks for several weeks following. Clients also report improved quality of sleep, improved physical awareness and general sense of wellbeing. When you don’t know what else to try, this modality is a great answer.

* As a stand alone service, this session is not covered by insurance under Massage Therapy.

If you have questions about Access Bars please contact Heidi Crozier.


Graston Technique®

Graston Technique® uses a set of stainless steel instruments in addition to massage to isolate and treat scar tissue and tissue restrictions. This is effective in treating acute and chronic conditions by restoring range of motion and helping to reduce pain. Some common uses for Graston Technique® include chronic pain, post-surgical scars, tennis/golfer's elbow, cesarean section scarring, and carpal tunnel.

Nicole incorporates Graston Technique® into her treatments to help identify and treat the underlying causes of discomfort.

If you have questions about Graston Technique® please contact Nicole.


Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage (also known as Thai Yoga Massage) is performed on a mat with the client fully clothed. The therapist uses a combination of compressions, passive stretches and acupressure in a rhythmic and systematic routine to address the whole body. The goal of treatment is to restore overall balance, release muscle tension, and improve posture. Clients often leave treatment feeling relaxed and invigorated. Stretchy clothes that you feel comfortable moving in are recommended.

Some of the potential benefits of traditional Thai yoga massage:

- Increases flexibility and range of movement
- Eliminates muscle pain and muscle spasms
- Improves postural alignment
- Calms the nervous system and promotes a deep sense of relaxation with an increased energy level
- Allows for a significant release of deep, emotional distress
- Stimulates blood circulation and lymph drainage
- Relieves fatigue, swollen limbs, painful joints, and headaches



Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic methods based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map to parts, glands, and organs of the body.

Through the application of pressure on these reflex points, reflexology therapy can:

relieve tension;

improve circulation and;

support the body's efforts to function optimally.

If you have any questions about Reflexology please contact Kathy.

*Only accepting cash & e-transfer at this time


Indie Head Massage

Originally, Indian Head Massage was performed as a technique by mothers on their daughters to keep long, thick hair in a healthy condition. The traditional practice involved the massage given in a seated position, focusing on the head and hair. As the practice evolved, the upper back, neck, upper arms, scalp, and face have been included and is performed lying down for optimal relaxation.

What can I expect?

Your hour of relaxation will include an upper back and arm massage, followed by the scalp massage.

If you have any questions about Indie Head massage please contact Kathy.

*Only accepting cash & e-transfer at this time


Facial Reflexology

Facial Reflexology harnesses the ancient wisdom that every part of the face is interconnected with specific organs, systems and emotions in the body.

Your thoughts transform into emotions that result in expressions. Repetitive expressions can lead to wrinkles over time. Facial Reflexology seeks to release tension, restore balance, and rejuvenate the skin by stimulating reflex points on the face.

Facial Reflexology works on many levels, it is incredibly powerful in relaxing muscle tension, and helps to balance the entire body. Experience the transformative benefits of Facial Reflexology and let your inner radiance shine!



Looking for another form of healing?

The Coach House Therapeutic Centre is the sister company to Three Tides Wellness. Take a look at Three Tides Wellness services and practitioners, and utilize both facilities to your specific needs.